Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy Year year and Bonne Année to you all.

  I wish you all a happy new year full of good health, tons of money but above all happy moments with those you care for doing what you love. I am blessed in that I am in good health, live in a beautiful countryside with two gorgeous loving dogs and spend my days making and reading and doing all those things that busy working people only dream of ! May there be robins in your garden , food on your table and love in your hearts.


  1. Happy 2019 to you as well Mrs. M and I wish for you all the same Good Will and happy hours that you've forwarded to all of us!
    btw- I LOVE robins in my garden and ALWAYS get excited when I see they've returned in the Spring! :)


  2. In Scotland at Xmas my mum has two robins in her garden at the same time and I always thought that they were territorial ! Every day I would go out and throw seed and food Under the tree away from the big birds. In my garden here in France I have several feeders and baskets for suet balls hanging from a monumental tree in the middle of the garden, picnic time for the little treasures ! I used to keep them near the house so I could Watch but the Fallen seed would sprout everywhere and the suet chips made the terrace slimy ! pity.
