Sunday, January 13, 2019


Here are a few recent acquisitions I wanted to share. As I don't smoke/drink/eat chocolate/buy new clothes/drive/go anywhere I feel no guilt in buying supplies ( well maybe a little! ) 
Below are some metal meat skewers I found in a car boot sale this summer and I might use them as spindles for the staircase painted up. I paid 2 euros for six and there is enough metal for two flights of stairs! 

 These supplies I bought on from dollshousegallery1 and although I have since changed my mind for the lighting I am in awe of these minute nails , I even put a small nail next to them for scale! no idea how to manipulate them, will have to hold my breath! The door locks are also perfect as are the door nobs from Pain d'Epices in paris, they have a website.

 I am planning a coat rack in the hallway full of coats ( thus obscuring these lovely hooks ) and these gorgeous little things are perfect!
 Again from the same seller this pile of wood skirting boards, lovely quality and several lengths of wooden bannister. The tiny crown trim I found in Paris at pain d'Epices on my last visit, its expensive so I might take a mold from it to use on doors and windows where shorter lengths are ok.

 This bannister is really detailed so I am pleased with it. I was wondering how to get it to curve and thougth to take a short mold from it, cast it in polyester two part resin then demold it when still softish and twist it carefully to the required shape. Then insert the short curved piece between straight pieces and paint. Resin doens't take woodstain I don'tthink but as my bannisters are going to be painted black it works hopefully. It will save carving which I haven't tried yet not like Pipi Turner who excels at it ! I will do a test and share and maybe eat my words! 


  1. Your idea for executing the curved handrail sounds intriguing and I already love the skewers for spindles which should definitely work!

  2. Hi, I will do a test on the idea of resin handrail. I just watched a house visit on YouTube with a staircase all white wood and dark steps with again white risers so maybe still thinking about it! I am almost finished the drawing room fireplace, will 'marble' it tomorrow then post some photos. Having a lazy time ! always inspired at two am but last night was still staring up at the ceiling at 6h30 am, fighting the desire to get up and make Something !! weird !

  3. I am impressed with your projects. Concerning the tiny nails you bought, there is a tool called “hinge setting tweezer” that makes installation pretty easy. The one I like is made by a small company in the USA named Smaller Than Life. Model train builders also use this tool.

    1. Hello Sherrill thank you for this tip as I was wondering how on earth I was going to manipulate these without breathing ! I will look it up and also the company you mention. Have a good day
