Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The case of the bookcase

Yesterday's project, a small bookcase. I used venetien blind wood again, it has been suggested that it is poplar wood but I cannot confirm. These blinds exist also in dark wood and even teak and for all the wood they contain they are a great bargain! This wood is easy to cut and takes fine detail with fret as you can see in the side 'feet'. It doesn't split and the grain is really fine. This bookcase idea came from an antique one I saw on Pinterest in a sort of ox blood red and a muddy greeny beige interieur. I haven't yet painted it but that will be another post.
I have no details on who owns this piece or the photo sorry! 

 Here the glue is setting between wooden block with lined paper to make sure it is squared.
 The back showing the recess for backing wood. I added a small strip of wood at the top to glue the backing against. The original backing is simple wooden planks but I used balsa strips, sanding lightly the edges to show up as sort of tongue and groove.
 This is the finished piece, it measures 6.8 wide x 5.7 high and 1.8 deep ( centimètres ) so is quite small even for a 1:12 scale bookcase. It could also work placed on top of a chest of drawers.
 This is the back with the balsa strips, again not my favorite wood, the strips were two colours but as they are painted it makes no odds.
This was fun and amazingly quick to do. Next time I will make a better scaled imaged to place it on when glueing ! AND have since found that using the dremel sanding head to strip the finish off the blind wood makes life a LOT easier but the dust is super fine so beware those allergic.


  1. I Love it! You make it look so simple and easy to do but keeping things square has always a challenge for me. I'm looking forward to seeing how you paint it.

  2. Thank you yes squaring is tough ! I have a pile of wooden blocks in different sizes I use and the grid mat helps too. I am going to try to paint it identical to the original, challenging !
