Friday, January 25, 2019

Soane Fireplace

In the middle of the staircase build I decided AGAIN to take a break in the form of another fireplace. I liked this dark marble style but without the victorian style insert and finding this pile of shop bought doors that were not in use I dismantled them to recuperate the moldings. I might use the doors with other moldings in the house, time will tell. 

Here are the doors, bought for a few euros on some website somewhere ages ago before I knew what I was doing. I just knew I needed doors ! Talk about Learning!
 I made a carboard mock up in the scale of a real fireplace from Jamb & Co London.
 Glued up simply, the first stage in the build. 
 Adding a top, this one didn't work but the scale was good.
 As with the drawing room fireplace I began with the fireplace wall that will project out from the room by three centimètres. This room is 30 cms high ( 3m60 in real scale ) This wall is narrower than the drawing room one as this fireplace is smaller in scale.  I used birch ply but quickly realised that the stock of ply I had purchased despite being laid under pressure, had warped slightly. This is why I prefer mdf wood. 
 Here is the back with added side blocks for stability.
 Laying out the pieces before gluing the egg carton stone cladding inside the hearth. I decided on a 'stone' pattern rather than the brick one used before. I glued the wall and fireplace onto a piece of 350 grm kraft card to give it stability when working on it. This can easily be cut away later.
 All glued up ready for painting. I just placed the back board for the photo as it's easier to fix it in place after painting the interior. 
 A detail of the interior.
 The detail of the back showing the stone work.
 A first coat of F&B 'Clunch'. 
 I think this photo is so funny, all the work to hold it in place it almost needs scaffolding ! I had to reinforce the birch ply with 10x10 beach strips to prevent the warping. The orange wood is Simply blocks used to level the clamping.
 I had the idea to make the whole wall in mirror within a frame. the mirror will be in several pieces held in place with brass nails. The mirror should also be on each side of the lower wall.
 Two coats of F&B black paint waiting for the light marbling. I am going to paint the skirting boards  black also. I had to raise the skirting boards up by 3 mm to take into acount the thickness of the wood flooring. here you can see the paint effect within the hearth 
 A quick 'mise en scene' with the round mirror made from a 'silvered' watch glass and a curtain eyelet. I will show how later. Tomorrow I will try to be lighter in touch with the marble and then varnish and wax it over and then get back to the stairs !! Promise . 


  1. LOVE it!!! Making fireplaces is much more fun than stairs - why is that? ;D

  2. Hihihi !! you are right !! It's my new project for the stairs that is holding me back as it makes the whole thing a lot more work ( of course if not where is the fun ! ) The red lacquer Chinese fireplace will be fun but I will have to paint up a lot of scraps to practice on first ! and find a finer paintbrush, the type that has one hair !

  3. Hello Stephanie,
    You did a terrific job building the mantle. The mise en scene looks wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing the fireplace marbled. Keep up the amazing work!
    Big hug

    1. Thank you Giac, I did finish it and its already in a box with the other one. I was going to build the stair box today but so many weeks of jsut doing what and when I want has taken its toll on my workspace to big big sorting day and realising the size of the monster house and putting it somewhere stable/where it won't be moved/ where there is good lighting ! you know the problem ! I got some pretty silk jaquard for the chinese room this morning, I will do a show post soon, hugs to you Giac xx
