Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Earth, wind and fireplace !

An update on the drawing room fireplace before going back to more serious jobs like finishing the stairs!

 Here I veined it in a pale blueish grey paint over the white base. I should have changed the white base as it threw of the colours.
 After much mucking around , yes you should see how much paint is on me! I over painted in tints of yellowish green with some smoke damage in the center then varnished it with water based mat varnish. I then went over the varnish with fine wire wool and waxed it with oak antique wax and buffed it up. It would be nice to say that I am happy with the result but I am still out on the subject. As much as I like the shape, the marbling is not quite there but it is going into a box like all the other elements and before installing it in several years time I will perhaps have changed my mind !!! 
 Here I glued in the 'slate' black inserts and varnished them.
This will maybe encourage or discourage you to try making your own fireplace, either way! It was fun and that is the POINT n'est pas ? There are several other fireplaces to make for the other rooms in the hopes I will choose a plainer style ! ( not likely I know ! ) Enjoy ,,


  1. I think that your marbled fireplace looks Grand- Well Done Mrs. M

  2. I think that I will redo it as it looks a big 'even' but until the room colours etc have been chosen I will put it aside with the rest ,,,, today STAIRS !!

  3. I like the final result too. It is a good idea to put it aside and let it “rest”. Once you try it in a decorated room an item often comes into its own.
    Have the stairs went well.
    Regards Janine

    1. Yes sometimes when you put Something aside and then go back to it you see it with a fresh eye. I got a bit sidetracked with the floor tile sample as I then did a flagstone test. i was waiting for some glue and aurclay to set on part of the stair and realised that I had to make the three landings before the final set of steps up to the second floor. I hadn't worked in the thickeness of the landings which are about 12 mm which made the steps too high but the whole point in working like this is to have the steps done to then see where the floors will end up, taking also into account the thickeness of each flooring material. I am going to reline each room in thin mdf or heavy card with the wall decor on each and wedge the wiring in between all the way out to the back of the house. As I am going also to reline the ceiling, again with lighting it impacts the ceiling height again. Hope to post an update tomorrow. Today we went to pick up my antique desk, a xmas gift from my mum. I also bought some great tools in a diy sale. Have a nice night Jodi.
