Monday, February 18, 2019

Seeing the light

I can be brave and reckless about a lot of things but when it comes to elecricity I am very nervous. I read one blogger describing a short circuit in his house that almost burnt it down! I have looked at videos on tape circuits and wire circuits and transformers etc and it just does not sink in. So much has to be dealt with early on and any problems when built will be tricky if not downright impossible to remedy. I also saw battery lights but they seem bulky. On Sue Cooks site I saw adaptors allowing lights to be unplugged from the ceiling to be changed along with corresponding ceiling roses which seems a good solution. As I intend to double line the walls to install the decor ready done I will have to really calculate the exits to connect to the transformer and then think of hiding the thing! 

So yes there are things I cannot do easily. I looked for books on the subject and only found promotional pamphlets with not much in the way of explication. I then found this book but on Amazon my order wasn't filled as they couldn't find it in the end. I have seen it on Amazon for up to 100 euros and with no way of visualising the content I decided not to buy it. I THEN saw it on this lovely site/shop for under ten dollars and the second book for under 5. Now you all probably master electrics for your various houses so this book is something you either know, know off or do not need. I am happy to finally have something I can study and make notes on, something 'paper' because yes I am old fashioned and do not like reading books on a screen.

 The above book is 34 pages long and the smaller book is 40 pages. The larger book is mainly B&W photos and hand drawn sketches and the smaller book is B&W schematic illustrations. Between them there will be light, pity I don't drink as that could help for courage ! So if my house ends up with just a string of xmas lights do not judge me! 


  1. Hello Stephanie,
    I have the Dollhouse Lighting book as well and it was a great reference.
    Big hug

  2. Thank you for reasuring me ! silly to be daunted by this aspect of the house but I know how important it is to get it right from day one, hugs to you , keep well ,, xoxox

  3. Hi Again, I bought the Cir-Kit originally and it was enough to begin. Lighting is often a problem. Tape can lift under the wallpaper glue so you need to record carefully where it was placed. Also it is helpful to solder where the tapes cross.
    I am sure you will take to it as you do to all things mini.
