Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The writing on the wall.

Just a quick image. I pick these small pictures up at the local Emmaus ( charity shop ), they are all hand written with saying praising a father, mother, sister etc Some are religious in tone. As usual I bought one for 50 cents then another and began a collection. As individual pictures they are quite worthless but as a group they make quite a good effect. I have a few not yet put up so it is still growing and this is a bedroom that no one uses! I might run out of walls one day!


  1. What a novel idea! I used to frame my children's artwork and hang them up but I like the hand-written note idea very much.
    Isn't it funny how collections will grow; as if they are alive! :)


  2. I am infamous for 'collecting' ! I jsut cannot buy 'one' of Something ! and these keep falling into my basket at the charity shop ! for a few centimes each its not a huge spend ! I hink that most banal things when put together can make a good effect.
